Candle Holders for the Underworld / Solo Show in Chicago

Candle Holders for the Underworld, Exhibition Dates: July 21 - September 2, 2023, Opening Reception: July 21, 5-8pm at Andrew Rafacz Gallery, 1749 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL.

“Roxanne Jackson’s Candle Holders for the Underworld…transports us to the nether regions of an alternate universe, transforming [the gallery] into a meeting place - deep within the psyche of wilderness. The air of heavy metal and stone is thick, beckoning you in for a closer look as shelf fungus protrudes from the gallery walls, presenting cake slices and an engorged clam…lime green toenails shoot out of Sasquatch logs and Medusa’s severed head rests shimmering in the dim light of a flame. Deep jewel and mineral toned glazes craze and slip over surfaces leading your gaze around the room to decipher the riotous symphony of objects.”